Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Albert An: Asian YouTuber Providing Advise on quitting PMO.

There is a small community in the YouTube space that's dedicated to helping guys quit PMO. Just in case you don't know, PMO means Porn, Masturbation, and Orgasm. One YouTuber that's been helping guys in this community for a while now is Albert An. 

Here's a video link of Albert answering a few questions his fans asked:

Previously, I noted a few YouTubers that are already dedicated in giving advise on quitting PMO: BlackWhiteGuyinAmerica (http://jedboyblogs.blogspot.com/2014/08/black-white-guy-in-america-helping-men.html) and nofap academy (http://jedboyblogs.blogspot.com/2014/07/nofap-academy-your-guide-to-quitting.html.) Now it maybe repetitive because I'm writing about another YouTuber who pretty much does the same thing but Albert An deserves to be written in my blog spotlight. Just like black white guyinamerica and nofap academy, Albert An has his own unique way in helping others quit PMO.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Dragon Fun Webiseries!

       It's been a while. My bad. So I've been caught up with a couple of stuff. At this point I'm not so sure promising any kind of post schedule would be guaranteed. But for sure, I'm back here and I'm just going to simply try to make content again.

    So one of the stuff that I've been caught up with was making my own web series called Dragon Fun. It's about a couple of friends who play their own made up role-playing game; Almost like Dungeons and Dragons in a way. As the friends continue to play, they learn how to work out their differences to work as a team. However, due to the circumstance that everyone is unemployed , two cultures clash towards the end: Living for today versus living for the future. The web series is comedic and hopefully relatable to those who had conflicts with friends in discussing about having fun versus building your future.

Here's the link to Dragon Fun Webisode 1:

         It's been challenging trying to balance everything that I'm trying to do. But as stated earlier, I'm going to make content back here again.

Also, I plan on making more content on my YouTube channel Multi-Journey Studios.

Here's a link to the channel: 


  Until then, please check out my web series and enjoy. I'll see you guys soon.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Steven Lim: An Asian American Born and Raised From Ohio.

      Steven Lim, an Asian American YouTuber from Ohio, is definitely underrated. The content he provides from his channel ranges from funny to serious focusing on his experience as an Asian American. One of his comedic videos shows how Asian Americans socialize daily with others as bilingual individuals.

Link to the video:

      The situations that were portrayed in the video were both clever and relatable. As an Asian American, I did find myself relating to the situation where another fellow Asian American would speak in our native language for a brief moment just to secretly comment about someone close by. Steven Lim also covers topics about living in Ohio as an Asian American.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

SimplyYue: Simply An Awesome Upcoming Asian YouTuber.

Simply Thrive:

     Following your dreams is no easy task. Many people stick to their secured jobs to ensure that their future is intact. It's not a bad thing. Having a secured job helps one survive through life with less worry on achieving access to basic and necessary resources. However, some people want to do more than just survive; they want to thrive. SimplyYue is simply doing that. She took the risk of doing YouTube full-time by quitting her 9-to-5 job which she claims wasn't making her happy.

Link to video introducing her channel and quitting her corporate job:

 Personally speaking, she made the right choice. Her material so far is inspiring, funny, dramatic, and original.

Inspiring Her Viewers:

         As stated earlier, she tells her subscribers that she quit her job to do YouTube full-time. She vlogs on giving advice and reflection on the value of doing so even though it requires one to get out of one's comfort zone. She applies this philosophy in other areas of her life as well. Here's a link to the video where she covers this subject:

Link to the video:

Story Telling:

          Her funny and dramatic short skitz are simply just good. The stories that are portrayed are signs that she has the potential to go big on the YouTube scene. Here's one of her short skits that portrays a story of what one goes through after a break up. The short skit was inspired by one of Wong Fu Productions short skit videos.

Link to the video:


             Simply Yue connects with her viewers with a vibe that is light-hearted, friendly, and inspiring. Her stories tend to end with a twist which make them original. Sadly, her work is currently underrated. Right now, her channel's status has 5,605 subscribers and a total of 364,216 views. She's been in the game for almost 2 years: July 31, 2013. Check out her channel so you can laugh, cry, and be inspired.

       And one last thing: she loves food so don't be surprised when you see her eating in most of her videos.

Link to her channel:


"Breaking out of your comfort zone is the pathway to growth."
-Simply Yue-

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

YouTube Identity: A Head's Up For New, Upcoming YouTubers.

       YouTuber, crabstickz, uploaded a video a few months back venting out his issue of what it means to be a YouTuber nowadays. He pointed out the struggle to be relevant is more challenging as more YouTubers create content that are very professional and sophisticated. Feeling a loss of not connecting with his audience was another challenge that was pointed out. 

Link post to the video: 

It seemed like crabstickz felt isolated in facing these challenges as a YouTuber. However, several YouTubers reached out to him by making response videos that reflect these challenges with their perspectives.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Update: Back to Blogging.

Hey viewers. Yes I am back to posting daily blogs every week. I plan on doing posts a little differently than I used to. Since some pictures tend to get lost/disappear from the sources I get it from (mostly from google images), I will only post one picture per post. The sources will most likely come from social media of the YouTuber I'll write about. Hopefully this will decrease the chances of pictures used in posts to disappear. Next, I'm a create a logo/brand for this blog as a profile picture somewhere this year. Lastly, I will focus on writing 3 types of posts: 1) YouTuber recommendations; 2) Interview recommendations; 3) YouTube trends, topics, etc. Some weeks won't cover all three types of posts so expect 2-3 posts per week. That's all for now.

Yellowpaco: Not Handsome. Not Funny. Not Rich. Not Joking.


    It's safe to say that there are a lot of YouTube viewers who had or is experiencing being friendzoned. There are many YouTube videos that cover the friendzone topic to the point that it's pretty much what every YouTube vlogger has to cover to stay relevant. However, there are few friendzone videos that explain in full throttle detail on how one experienced getting friendzoned first hand. Here's one example of a YouTuber, Yellowpaco, explaining his experience being friendzoned:
