Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Albert An: Asian YouTuber Providing Advise on quitting PMO.

There is a small community in the YouTube space that's dedicated to helping guys quit PMO. Just in case you don't know, PMO means Porn, Masturbation, and Orgasm. One YouTuber that's been helping guys in this community for a while now is Albert An. 

Here's a video link of Albert answering a few questions his fans asked:

Previously, I noted a few YouTubers that are already dedicated in giving advise on quitting PMO: BlackWhiteGuyinAmerica (http://jedboyblogs.blogspot.com/2014/08/black-white-guy-in-america-helping-men.html) and nofap academy (http://jedboyblogs.blogspot.com/2014/07/nofap-academy-your-guide-to-quitting.html.) Now it maybe repetitive because I'm writing about another YouTuber who pretty much does the same thing but Albert An deserves to be written in my blog spotlight. Just like black white guyinamerica and nofap academy, Albert An has his own unique way in helping others quit PMO.